
Økonomi og ledelse, Fjerkræ, Grise, Heste, Kvæg, Planter, Øvrige dyr

Safety on the farm: Online courses on work safety

There have been 4 new online courses that help you get started with work safety on the farm, so that you can prevent attrition at work and increase the well-being for you and your employees.

The topics of the online courses are handling of large animals, machinery in agriculture, handling of slurry and high-pressure cleaning.
Development of the courses is partially financed by Fællesfonden.

Handling of large animals

Learn to work safely and effectively with cattle and pigs by understanding how your behavior affects them. The course focuses on creating a calm work environment, planning tasks carefully, and preparing for unfore-seen situations. You will learn important safety measures, such as proper handling of animals, escape routes, and how to avoid dangerous situations in the workplace.

køer i en stald

Machinery in agriculture

This course will provide you with the knowledge to work safely with various types of agricultural machinery. You will learn about the potential risks and the best safety practices, which are crucial for preventing acci-dents in agricultural work. The course covers a wide range of machines and equipment and offers practical tips on how to ensure the safety of yourself and your colleagues in daily operations.
en traktor

Handling of slurry

Correct handling of slurry is extremely important for a safe working environment and to improve the climate for employees and animals in the stables. In this course, you will learn how to safely and responsibly handle slurry in pig sections with either slurry plugs, shutters or winch-driven systems, as well as in cattle barns with backflush system and circular channel systems.

High pressure cleaning

You will gain a basic understanding of the techniques and safety procedures for using pressure washers effectively in agriculture, including in barns and on machinery. It covers topics such as choosing the right equipment, correct use of different nozzles and pressure levels, as well as maintenance and safety considerations.
mand spuler traktor med vand

Working with safety, when you work with either cattle or pigs

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